Alberta Gold is a group of diverse women of varying ages who like to sing, perform, socialize and have fun. We bring a wide variety of musical skill and life experience together to create beautiful four-part harmony in the barbershop style.
Our repertoire is multi-faceted – we sing everything from old standards to modern pop songs. We love to perform, both at our own shows and for public or private events in the community. We have sung at the CIBC Run for the Cure, Calgary Stampede Windows on the West, Marda Loop Marda Gras, and Christmas in Inglewood, as well as many others. In addition to community events, we also perform at retirement residences and other private venues and functions.
Alberta Gold is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International (SAI) since 1984. Sweet Adelines is a worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance.
Through our membership in this organization we are presented with top-notch educational opportunities. Vocal instruction is a regular part of rehearsals, with instruction from our own musical leadership team, as well as coaches from elsewhere in the organization. Opportunity for individual growth and development is also part of SAI, where members can participate in international and regional conferences and symposiums. To promote musical growth, each year choruses are invited to participate in a regional competition, during which choruses in the region are judged, with the winners being eligible to compete at an annual Sweet Adelines International Competition.
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