Northern Beaches Chorus is a 65 member strong women's a cappella singing ensemble from the Northern Beaches area of Sydney, NSW. The chorus is part of global women's singing organisation, Sweet Adelines International. We rehearse Mondays from 7.30pm-10pm at the Galstaun Function Centre, 5 Grattan Crescent, Frenchs Forest. The music we sing is arranged for women's vocal ranges in the four parts of Tenor, Lead, Baritone and Bass. It is arranged around eleven basic chords with the major triad and the barbershop seventh and ninth being the most important. Through matching voice resonance, note accuracy and blending of all four parts we achieve the 'ringing' chords and overtones that are a hallmark of this style. Under the direction of Linda Wareham, Northern Beaches Chorus have achieved highly in Sydney Eisteddfods and the national Sweet Adelines International contests. They have performed at high profile public and private events. December is a busy time for carolling including performances for City of Sydney Christmas, St Mary's Cathedral Lights of Christmas, Dee Why RSL and major shopping centres. Entry is via a simple audition to assess potential and basic harmonic accuracy, usually after a short introductory program on the barbershop style. Education and continual personal vocal improvement is important to all Northern Beaches Chorus members who strive for excellence in a warm, supportive and joyful community.
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