To honor the centennial of the World War I Armistice, the Crescent Choral Society will perform Josef Haydn's monumental Mass in Time of War, combining forces with the elite Westfield High School Chorale and the New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra. The performance will also include the thrilling 2004 work by Gwyneth Walker, Tell the Earth to Shake, based on the poem Earthquake by Trappist Monk Thomas Merton (1915-1968). The message is that "peace becomes the means of bringing the people together as one."
Why You Should Attend
The mixture of mature and youthful performers in both the chorus and the orchestra is unique to this concert! The adults learn as much from the young people as they do from their older counterparts. What the youth lack in experience they make up for with enthusiasm.
A free reception follows the concert for all.