Established in 1946, the Eau Claire Male Chorus is the longest standing performing arts group in the Chippewa Valley. A brotherhood of those who love music, these amazing singers are directed by David Fehr who also performs in The Master Singers.
Our History
Established in 1946, the Eau Claire Male Chorus is the longest standing vocal performing arts group in the Chippewa Valley. Ed Hagen, the first director, auditioned prospective members, setting a cap at 75 singers. The chorus continued to grow under the capable direction of Caldwell Johnson, Gordon Barry, Clark Angel, Russ Morgan, Milt Schimke, Don Gray, Paul Nixdorf, George Utphall, Richard Moses, & David Fehr. The Eau Claire Male Chorus of the 1940s was instrumental in helping to develop the Upper Midwest District (UMD) of the Associated Male Choruses of America (AMC of A) with Berger Gabrielson of Eau Claire being the first district president. The Upper Midwest District is the largest of the Associated Male Choruses of America with 11 choruses & approximately 350 members. The ECME is governed by a board of directors consisting of annually elected officers & board members.